Commemorating Prof. Alexander Ganchev, a Mentor, a Friend, a Dreamer

May 22, 2024 Tsvetana Haydushka
Commemorating Prof. Alexander Ganchev, a Mentor, a Friend, a Dreamer

AUBG honored the memory of professor Alexander Ganchev (1955-2022) by dedicating a study room in the Panitza Library in his loving memory. Professor Ganchev, a distinguished scholar and cherished member of the AUBG community for over two decades, left a mark on the Department of Mathematics and Science. His dedication to physics and mathematics was infectious, igniting a love for learning in countless students.

Professor Ganchev wasn’t just a gifted teacher; he was a mentor whose guidance extended far beyond the classroom. Provost Mininger shared that prof. Ganchev was a sought-after advisor who left a lasting impression on all who sought his wisdom. This new study room serves as a testament to his lifelong commitment to education. Prof. Ganchev was a distinguished mathematician and physicist, celebrated for his pioneering work in mathematical physics, representation theory, and category theory. He was one of the leaders of the Department of Mathematics and Science at AUBG from 2001-2022.

“Here, in a space that is both real and symbolic, students can learn, collaborate, and be inspired just as prof. Ganchev inspired them,” said Provost Mininger. “We hope this space serves as a lasting tribute to his legacy and fosters the love for learning that he so passionately championed.”

A Legacy of Inspiration

The dedication ceremony overflowed with heartfelt stories. Professor Dalakov, a colleague of prof. Ganchev since the early 2000s, shared how he motivated him to pursue a doctorate. Dalakov highlighted his unwavering focus on long-term positive impact, “One of the things that impressed me most was his approach to solving problems. He always looked for solutions that best served the discipline and the program, not just immediate needs.”

Throughout the speeches, there was a sense of a common feeling – professor Ganchev’s profound inspiration for the entire department. The ceremony also expressed gratitude to professor Ganchev’s family for their generous donation of his book collection. These books, testaments to his lifelong pursuit of knowledge, will undoubtedly inspire future generations of AUBG students.


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Prof. Hristo Iliev expressed his deep appreciation for Ganchev’s guidance. He noted how he consistently had the highest number of senior students taking his classes, many of whom went on to prestigious institutions worldwide. ” I want to use this occasion to thank him and also his family for their generosity in donating his collection of books,” prof. Iliev said. “These books, which he used to study and gain knowledge, will help the students who come here to study. I hope that when students enter this room and see his name, they will be inspired by his enthusiasm for studying and learning, perhaps following in his footsteps in the field of education.”

Professor Ganchev’s wife, Valeria, attended the ceremony and expressed her gratitude to the AUBG community in a touching moment. “I am very grateful to the community for making this special memorial occasion possible,” she said.

A Passion for Knowledge and a Love for Learning

Prof. Stoychev described professor Ganchev as a great teacher with an unwavering devotion to knowledge and a deep care for his students. Their professional bond was built on mutual respect and appreciation. He valued him not only as a colleague but also as an individual who embodied modesty, consideration, and a strong sense of duty.

“Alex’s love for books makes the library the perfect place to honor his legacy,” Stoychev said. “His office was filled with an impressive collection, reflecting the vastness of his mathematical interests. This breadth allowed him to introduce a wide range of courses, including interdisciplinary ones.” This is also how the idea for establishing the Alexander Ganchev Memorial Student Award came to the mind of Stoychev, while looking at the library one late evening filled with studying students.


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While prof. Popov highlighted his persistence to dive deep into the foundations of the science. “There are scientists who chase trends and seek immediate results,” he said. “He wasn’t that kind of scientist. He preferred to delve deeply into fundamentals and share his discoveries with students and colleagues for the sheer joy of learning.”

He was also one of the people who put the foundation for a math major at AUBG. During the ceremony, prof. Ivanova shared a memory of their first meeting, where they discussed this grand project. “The idea wasn’t initially well-supported, but there was interest,” she said. “During a winter break, we gathered – Orlin [Stoychev], Alex [Ganchev], and I – to create the first curriculum for the math major. There was enormous enthusiasm because we believed AUBG could develop a truly exceptional program.”

A Legacy That Lives On

There are no final words for moments like these, only reflections. For educators, their legacy lives on in many ways – through the books they leave behind, the stories shared by colleagues, and the programs they help build. But ultimately, an educator’s greatest legacy lies in their students, in the lives they shape and the futures they inspire. And for that, AUBG owes professor Ganchev an immeasurable debt of gratitude – a debt of friendship and appreciation.