Poynter Institute Representatives at AUBG

April 01, 2023
Poynter Institute Representatives at AUBG

Prof. Darina Sarelska, from Media Studies Department, introduced the Poynter Institute representatives Kathleen Ovack, Youth Programming Manager at MediaWise, and Brittani Kollar, Deputy Director at MediaWise, who took the stage to showcase their work with US Campus correspondents. Their presentation highlighted an innovative initiative aimed at enhancing digital media literacy skills among students. Encouraged by the success of this venture, they expressed their eagerness to expand their reach beyond borders and collaborate with AUBG students.

The project aims to empower AUBG students by equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate the complex landscape of online information. Through a series of workshops, Campus Correspondents will undergo comprehensive training on identifying misinformation and accessing credible sources.

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Armed with these skills, they will then embark on a mission to educate peers all around Bulgaria, fostering a community of critical thinkers adept at discerning fact from fiction in the digital realm.

“The important about the team is that they don’t just tell you what’s true or false, but they also teach you a media literacy tip in each one of their videos,” Ovack said.

The collaboration between Poynter and AUBG promises to not only cultivate a generation of informed citizens but also serve as a beacon of media literacy excellence across Bulgaria.

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Apart from the info session, the Poynter Institute representatives also met with Provost Mininger and CIDC Executive Director Jacob Jacob.

“The CIDC is very pleased to partner with our colleagues in the Media Studies Department and the Poynter Institute to implement this important program in Bulgaria,” Jacob said. “The MediaWise Project stands as a testament to the power of partnerships in molding informed and engaged citizens for a democratic society.”