Nestlé Presents Mura Waffle Case Study to AUBG Students

June 05, 2023
Nestlé Presents Mura Waffle Case Study to AUBG Students

Nestlé, a global food and beverage company renowned for its wide range of products, presented a case study on their product — Mura Waffle, to the AUBG students from the Marketing courses. This collaboration provided the students with a chance to work on a real-world Nestlé project and gain insights into the opportunities offered by the company.

Nestlé’s collaboration with the university, as part of the Corporate Advisory Board, offers the students an invaluable opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, further enhancing their understanding of marketing strategies, product development, and consumer behavior.

By involving students in a real-life case study, Nestlé gained fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from the younger generation. The students, on the other hand, were provided with the opportunity to bridge the gap between academia and industry, acquiring practical skills and firsthand experience that will prove invaluable in their future careers.

Marketing Professor Carter Mandrik expressed gratitude to Nestlé for their involvement and the fruitful partnership between the company and AUBG. Prof. Carter mentioned also that he hoped for further collaboration in such endeavors, where the company can tap into the talent and fresh perspectives of students, while students gain valuable industry exposure and practical experience.