US Embassy Grants Officer Richard Pinkham Attends English for Journalists Class

April 01, 2024
US Embassy Grants Officer Richard Pinkham Attends English for Journalists Class

Richard Pinkham, Press Attaché at the US Embassy in Bulgaria, participated in a session of the English for Journalists course. Pinkham, who has a background in journalism prior to his diplomatic role, expressed a strong connection to the initiative. While during the class, he was able to go back to grammar basics with the group of journalists and follow their advancement in the language so far, on his part Pinkham demonstrated his progress with the Bulgarian language by congratulating them in Bulgarian and sharing his support for the program.

“As a former journalist and now a diplomat, I cannot overstate the significance of understanding relevant and reliable sources of information in their original language,” Pinkham said.

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“It’s not just about comprehension; it’s about capturing the essence and nuances that can only be fully appreciated in the language of origin.”

The program offers participants two semesters of intensive English language instruction tailored to their individual needs, facilitated by the ELI. Alongside their language studies, journalists will participate in engaging workshops led by national organizations, covering crucial topics. The English for Journalists program has proved to be a pivotal step in fostering journalistic excellence and promoting informed dialogue in Blagoevgrad and Bulgaria.

This program was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.