Third Annual AUBG Golf Tournament Collects Funds for Talented Students

September 28, 2019 Dimana Doneva
Third Annual AUBG Golf Tournament Collects Funds for Talented Students

A perfect sunny day greeted the avid golfers and AUBG supporters at the third AUBG & Friends Fundraising Golf Tournament. Faculty, staff, alumni and donors gathered together Sept. 28 for the annual event that collects funds for AUBG scholarships.

“It is incredibly meaningful to me and to all people who work at the university to see you coming out here to support our students,” said AUBG interim president Dr. David Evans. “We educate many leaders all over Bulgaria and around the world and we seek to provide as much support as we possibly can to foster their success.”

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Last year’s tournament fundraising efforts resulted in four $2,500 scholarships for AUBG students who perform well in their studies and have extracurricular interests in sports.

“The scholarship greatly helps my family,” said Zdravko Zdravkov, one of last year’s Golf Tournament scholars, in an interview for NOVA TV. “Especially since I have a sister who will most probably apply to study at AUBG as well.”

The golfers played in the popular Stableford format split into two divisions. Alexander Evtimov won first prize in Division A, and Aleksander Abrashev and Ilia El Feleki won second and third prize respectively. In Divison B the first prize went to Stefano Cappio, Ryan Welsh got the silver and Blagoy Stoyanov took home the third prize. The special awards for Longest Drive and Nearest to the Pin went to Ilia El Feleki and Aleksander Abrashev respectively.

“It is truly an honor for us to support the AUBG students,” said Adina Welsh, director at Raiffeisen Property Holding which is the corporate sponsor of the tournament.

“I think this is a great cause and I am happy to partner with you,” said Angelo Zuccala, General Manager at InterContinental Sofia, also sponsor at the event.

Photos by Anastasia Garyainova and Yenlik O’Neill.