Prof. Ilya Levine on the Central Asia’s New Centre | Faculty Publications

February 01, 2024
Prof. Ilya Levine on the Central Asia’s New Centre | Faculty Publications

In the latest edition of the Journal of Political Science Applied, AUBG Professor Ilya Levine, part of the AUBG Politics and European Studies department, contributed with a chapter that delves into Uzbekistan’s role as a key player in Central Asia. Professor Levine’s chapter, titled “Central Asia’s New Centre,” critically examines Uzbekistan’s active role in the Central Asian region. Against the backdrop of geopolitical dynamics, including the recent return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, Levine’s contribution sheds light on the country’s evolving political stance and its potential impact on neighboring nations.

This special volume of the Journal provides readers with diverse perspectives on Uzbekistan, ranging from cautious optimism about higher education reforms and energy infrastructure development to critical assessments of political and human rights reforms in the country.