MEP Radan Kanev Talking Outisde of the Box during an AUBG Visit

February 15, 2024
MEP Radan Kanev Talking Outisde of the Box during an AUBG Visit

Following their participation in the MEU Global in Brussels, students Yani Dimanchev and Lilia Petrova, who serve as co-presidents of the Model European Union student club at AUBG, invited for a follow-up meeting the Member of the European Parliament Radan Kanev on the AUBG campus.

During this meeting, Kanev expressed his commitment to talking outside of the box and shedding light on the work of the European Parliament. He demonstrated this commitment through an open dialogue covering the important topics of the day such as the EU enlargement, agriculture, climate change, and the current political trends.

“I was deeply touched by the opportunity to visit AUBG, knowing that some of the brightest minds I’ve encountered are either alumni or educators here,” Kanev said.

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The students found the meeting enriching, particularly through a discussion on the key lessons he learned from his political career. Kanev shared three pieces of advice with the audience, while motivating them to be active citizens of the EU:

  • Don’t strive just for the individual success. In order to achieve some of the results you promised to the voters, you need to extensively with people you may not like much.
  • When you have a variety of interests, you need to have many discussions, and then the compromise is rarely the best decision for everyone. But it is the best decision on a broader scale.
  • It’s very difficult to explain political success to your voters. If you want to go be part of the EU politics and not be disappointed in the second month, you need to keep your internal balance within yourself that you are doing the best you can.

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