Legal Insights: Coca-Cola HBC Workshop

November 21, 2023
Legal Insights: Coca-Cola HBC Workshop

AUBG students recently gained valuable insights into the legal world through a workshop led by Konstantin Atanasov (EMBA ’23), Legal Director at Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company in Bulgaria. The workshop is part of the Corporate Partnership Program and this time it presented the topic “Connecting Points”, which explored the role and development of legal professionals within a company, emphasizing their vital contributions to business growth and collaborations with other departments.

“It was very useful for me to learn more about the importance of the legal perspective in business operations, as legislation is a relevant factor for most of any company’s activities,” said Georgi Pandev, AUBG junior and member of the Business club.

Co-organized by the Business Club, the event provided attendees with a unique perspective on the significance of proactivity and motivation in the workplace, the practical application of legal theory in business, and insights into leadership development from Atanasov’s experiences in the AUBG’s Executive MBA program. This collaborative workshop was yet another way of providing students with real-world insights and networking opportunities through its Corporate Partnership Program.