Dr. Eda Pepi Shares Insights on “UnCitizenship”

March 28, 2024
Dr. Eda Pepi Shares Insights on “UnCitizenship”

The CIDC Global Perspectives Series is an enriching forum designed to bring thought leaders, scholars, and practitioners from across the globe to engage in rigorous discussions on some of the most pressing and topical issues facing our world today. Through this initiative, the CIDC aims to foster a deeper understanding of complex global challenges, encourage the exchange of ideas, and inspire collaborative solutions. Each event is curated to serve as a vibrant platform for exploring the multifaceted dimensions of contemporary issues. The AUBG learning community will have the chance to interact with experts, gain diverse insights, and contribute to meaningful conversations that transcend borders and disciplines.  

The first event organized in collaboration with YCB Yale Club of Bulgaria and Fulbright Bulgaria, and Post Society Club at AUBG presented Dr. Eda Pepi, Assistant Professor at Yale University and Fulbright Scholar in Spain. 

She shared insights from ongoing research, emphasizing the centrality of gender and family dynamics in understanding global challenges such as citizenship and migration. Dr. Pepi highlighted the fluidity of borders, arguing that borders not only constrain movement but also permeate through individuals. Using historical examples, Dr. Pepi illustrated how marriage has historically been politicized, resulting in discriminatory citizenship laws, particularly affecting women. The discussion expanded to contemporary issues, including the disproportionate burden of forced displacement borne by countries in the Global South, contrasting with the attention given to challenges faced by the Global North. Dr. Pepi contextualized these dynamics within a framework of “militarized global apartheid,” exemplified by policies such as the Jordan Compact, which outsources border control to strategic sites. By examining the historical continuum of citizenship and familial ties, Dr. Pepi underscored the entrenched nature of “UnCitizenship” and its role in reshaping global power dynamics. 

“By tracing the long history of blood and soil across the Jordan River, I hope I have shown today how radically historical the phenomenon of UnCitizenship is. It reframes old exclusions, like Jewish and Palestinian statelessness, into cornerstones of a world order that is seeing old empires newly reorganized.” 

Whether you are a student, faculty member, professional, or simply someone with a keen interest in global affairs, the CIDC Global Perspectives Series promises to enlighten, challenge, and engage you in dialogues that shape our collective future.