AUBG Hosts Traditional Seminar on Holocaust and Human Rights Education

July 18, 2023
AUBG Hosts Traditional Seminar on Holocaust and Human Rights Education

AUBG hosted a seminar in organized by The Olga Lengyel Institute (TOLI) focused on Holocaust and human rights education in the period of July 9-13, 2023. The seminar brought together 30 high school teachers from across Bulgaria, representing various disciplines to enhance their knowledge about the Holocaust, promote social justice, and equip them with innovative teaching methodologies.

The event, held annually since 2015, has become a vital platform for educators to interact with experts, survivors, and peers, fostering a collaborative environment to address the complexities of this crucial historical event. To organize the seminar, TOLI partners with the AUBG, the Shalom Organization, the Central Israelite Religous Council of Bulgaria, and the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance.

Empowering Educators

The seminar served as a transformative experience for the participating educators. AUBG professor Diego Lucci delivered a lecture on the history of antisemitism, shedding light on the roots and manifestations of this prejudice. Throughout the program, interactive workshops were conducted, delving into topics such as identity, stereotypes, prejudice, intercultural relations, and human rights. Additionally, participants gained insights into the plight of Jews in Bulgaria.

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Impact grants

The seminar aimed to enhance the quality of Holocaust and human rights education in Bulgaria by providing educators with the tools to create a lasting impact. To this end, graduates of the program have the opportunity to apply for an impact grant, which includes financial support and ongoing mentorship throughout the school year. This grant empowers annually 15 educators to implement local projects related to Holocaust education and social justice. By encouraging teachers to undertake initiatives within their own communities, the seminar fosters a ripple effect that reaches a broader audience and promotes a more inclusive society.

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Seminar impact

The AUBG-hosted seminar on Holocaust and human rights education proved to be a pivotal event for Bulgarian educators. By equipping teachers with a deeper understanding of the Holocaust, promoting innovative teaching methodologies, and encouraging collaboration, the seminar seeks to empower educators to create meaningful change within their classrooms and communities.