Faculty research

Researcher Identity

In today's digital landscape, establishing and maintaining your digital identity as a researcher is crucial for promoting and maximizing the impact of your work. Managing your digital researcher presence will help you enhance the visibility and discoverability of your publications, mitigate confusion regarding authorship, accentuate the impact and influence of your work, foster opportunities for collaboration with colleagues, and increase your career advancement and funding prospects.

Embark on the journey to fortify you researcher identity by staring off with some of the most common researcher profile platforms. Learn how to create and maintain your personal researcher profile in Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Discover the indispensable role of ORCID and what benefits your presence in the social networking websites can bring.

Research Impact and Metrics

Metrics serve as invaluable tools for assessing research quality. As a researcher, understanding the nuances of these metrics is essential to leveraging their strengths and mitigating their limitations. Here you can learn more about the three different categories metrics: article-level, author-level and journal level metrics and explore more about concepts such as altmetrics and disciplinary impact.

In the Guide you will also find tips for increasing your scholarly impact and various additional resources on these topics.

We hope you will find our Researcher Identity & Impact LibGuide helpful for your scholarly pursuits.

In case you have any questions or would like to schedule an individual consultation, you can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Faculty Bibliography

The AUBG Faculty Bibliography is our online place where you can find the scholarly work of our esteemed faculty members currently teaching at AUBG. Organized alphabetically by department and faculty member's last name, we adhere to the APA 7th referencing style for consistency and clarity. It is updated regularly and features the full text links of the publications whenever available. This service is extended to all faculty members. In case you don’t have your own bibliography page yet or would like to suggest any changes or updates to your existing page, feel free to contact us at [email protected].