Open Introductory Class in Sustainability

5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
September 07th
Delchev Auditorium, BAC

oin us on the first day of classes for the launch of AUBG's first course fully devoted to the topic of Sustainability. This course will provide the students with an opportunity to work on an omnipresent sustainability challenge faced by a business, a non-governmental organization or any other institution. The course will be co-led by AUBG alumni Maria Petrova ('95), currently Program Co-Director, MS in Environment and Sustainability Management at Georgetown University, and Evelina Van Mensel (EMBA '16), professor at the Business department at AUBG with extensive experience in the entrepreneurship and marketing research sphere. Official partner for the Fall semester is Kaufland and together with the Professors they will hold an open introductory class for the entire AUBG community on September 7th, at 17:45 in BAC Auditorium.