AUBG Joins Efforts with the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia

February 15, 2023
AUBG Joins Efforts with the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia

Professor Peter Dalakov, Chair of Mathematics and Science Department, and acad. Oleg Mushkarov, Director of the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia signing a memorandum of understanding. Photo/ICMS-Sofia

AUBG Provost Dr. Mininger and professor Dalakov, Chair of the Mathematics and Science Department, signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia. An act that officializes the collaboration between the AUBG Mathematics and Science Department and ICMS-Sofia in order to create even more opportunities for collaboration between the professors, and the undergraduate and graduate students.

The two institutions will work together in the following directions:

  • Development of educational and research projects
  • To encourage and facilitate research in mathematics and its applications
  • Dissemination of Research Advances
  • Student mobility and internships
  • Providing opportunities for students to participate in academic and other events organized by the other party
  • Exchange of good practices for teaching and learning in mathematics and natural sciences
  • Exchange of information on educational and research opportunities provided by both countries for undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Organization of joint academic events, conferences and schools
  • Organization of public lectures

The newly established International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia is a dynamic research unit for developing and disseminating cutting-edge research in Mathematics. It is affiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which is providing the infrastructure for the activities of the Center. The Center is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Simons Foundation. The Activities of the ICMS–Sofia are carried out in collaboration with the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at the University of Miami (IMSA) and the Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow (HSE University). The ICMS-Sofia is also working in collaboration with Bulgarian universities and institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

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