Bridge Loans for New BG Students

Loans application deadline

Fall semester
August 31
Spring semester
December 20
Loans for New Students
Loans for New Students Image

Loans for New Students

Incoming AUBG students from Bulgaria have the opportunity to finance their initial educational expenses and make their academic journey more affordable through a custom consumer loan. Students can use this loan option until they become eligible to receive a government-guaranteed student loan after the beginning of the semester. The government-guaranteed loan can then be used to repay this consumer loan with no penalty fees.

  • Learn more here or contact a UBB Blagoevgrad branch.:

    The loan can be disbursed prior to the payment deadline (Aug. 10/Jan. 10) to cover the first semester tuition, until the student becomes eligible to receive government-guaranteed student loan.

    The loan can be disbursed to a parent or third person.

    The preferential interest rate depends on the assessment of the credit rating of the parents/guarantors.

    There is a loan application fee in the amount of 60 BGN/30 EUR. There is no fee for early repayment/payment in full of the loan.

  • Apply here or contact a Postbank Blagoevgrad branch.:

    The loan can be disbursed prior to the payment deadline (Aug. 10/Jan. 10) to cover the first semester tuition, until the student becomes eligible to receive government-guaranteed student loan.

    The loan can be disbursed to a parent or to the future student with the parent or third person as co-signer.

    The annual interest rate depends on the assessment of the credit-rating of the parents/guarantor. There is no loan application fee.

    There is no fee for early repayment/payment in full of the loan.

  • Contact a DSK Bank Blagoevgrad branch to learn more and apply.:

    The loan can be disbursed prior to the payment deadline (Aug. 10/Jan. 10) to cover the first semester tuition, until the student becomes eligible to receive government-guaranteed student loan.

    The loan will be disbursed to the future student.

    The annual interest rate depends on whether the bridge loan is part of the DSK Academy package or not (6.5% or 7%).

    There is no loan application fee.

    There is no fee for early repayment/payment in full of the loan.

Have a question about loans?

Contact the Student Loans Office

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